Happy Birthday
32..... wow where has the time gone? I look back and find it hard to believe that I spent so much of my life falling down drunk. This is birthday number 2 in sobriety, and I can't help but feel like life is getting better and more clear. The only problem is that now I feel like a kid trapped inside of a half broken down adult body. I remember spending so much of my youth anxiously awaiting the days that I could legally go into a store and buy cigarettes and booze, but today I spend more time trying to recapture a youth that I wish I could have had. I am finding the things in life that I truly enjoy doing and in finding myself and what I enjoy, I am getting a chance to live life all over again. It would be nice to be able to experience this new life in a younger and less broken body, but I will take what I can get. God has enabled me to have a chance at another day in order to experience life the way it should be lived. When I was drinking, I would spend a lot of time dreaming of what I wish life was like, but today I am finding out that sober living is so much better than anything I could have ever dreamed of. If anyone else out there is struggling with sobriety, get around other people who understand how you think because they will be able to help you through the rough spots. Each day sober allows me to see how bad living drunk really was. I am 32 and loving it. Happy Birthday to me. Thank you Lord for allowing me to have another day to experience your love. Sober living is an exciting new life that God has given me and for that I am forever grateful. I encourage others to respond with their sober birthday experiences in order to help others see how celebrating without alcohol is not only possible but how exciting it can be.
Jason B. Sober in Recovery since September 12, 2011
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